Prosthetic Reality V.2

World's First NFT AR Art Book

Prosthetic Reality Volume 2 brings together over 60 Artists, Animators and SoundDesigners from around the planet to showcase Augmented Reality NFT Art. It’s the first book of its kind to combine AR, the blockchain and traditional art.

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Prosthetic Reality V2
World's first NFT AR Art Book
Prosthetic Reality V2
World's first NFT AR Art Book

How it works

Each AR animation is minted as a NFT on the Tezos blockchain. Using the EyeJack app, the viewer sees the artwork in the book come to life as an AR animation. Additional information about the artwork is displayed on screen in AR, including the NFT transaction history and links to purchasing the NFT on the marketplace. Augmented Reality and the blockchain are the perfect technology combo for linking physical collectables with their digital twins.

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