Nature Illuminated

Augmented Reality Treasure Hunt

Nature Illuminated is a bright, sensorial adventure that uses technology to bring the Four Seasons to Life at the the astonishing Chinese Garden of Friendship.

Guests were able to embark on an Augmented Reality treasure hunt to unlock mesmerising animations of local plants and animals around the Garden, including more mythical creatures from the beautiful Dragon Wall wood carving.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis blandit augue, ut aliquet quam ornare a. Vestibulum suscipit, urna eu aliquet sagittis, lectus arcu egestas purus, vel convallis justo elit et mi. Nullam non iaculis felis. Donec rutrum lorem tortor, vel consequat sem varius vitae. Vivamus id metus convallis,

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan leo ex, sit amet porta sem semper suscipit. In mi ipsum, iaculis in purus commodo, rhoncus luctus odio. Pellentesque id lacus dignissim, vestibulum felis eget, fermentum magna. Vivamus ac lacus sit amet urna lobortis commodo id ac odio.
10 of the locations were activated with augmented reality, revealing their special historical moments with animated AR stories. These hidden gems could be viewed through the Stories of the Road app available on iPhone and Android.
10 of the locations were activated with augmented reality, revealing their special historical moments with animated AR stories. These hidden gems could be viewed through the Stories of the Road app available on iPhone and Android.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis blandit augue, ut aliquet quam ornare a. Vestibulum suscipit, urna eu aliquet sagittis, lectus arcu egestas purus, vel convallis justo elit et mi. Nullam non iaculis felis. Donec rutrum lorem tortor, vel consequat sem varius vitae. Vivamus id metus convallis,

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan leo ex, sit amet porta sem semper suscipit. In mi ipsum, iaculis in purus commodo, rhoncus luctus odio. Pellentesque id lacus dignissim, vestibulum felis eget, fermentum magna. Vivamus ac lacus sit amet urna lobortis commodo id ac odio.
The experience was created using WebAR technology, meaning the it opened on the mobile browser, with no need to download an app. Using WebGL, we were able to illuminate all the AR animations with bloom and glow effects to really make them shine and come alive in the garden.
The experience was created using WebAR technology, meaning the it opened on the mobile browser, with no need to download an app. Using WebGL, we were able to illuminate all the AR animations with bloom and glow effects to really make them shine and come alive in the garden.
Interactive maps of the garden made it really easy for guests to navigate the treasure hunt and unlock all the AR touch points.
Interactive maps of the garden made it really easy for guests to navigate the treasure hunt and unlock all the AR touch points.

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