Flume Infinity Prism

Live performance installation created for Flume
Flume infinity prism on stage

The Infinity Prism is a live performance installation made for electronic music producer Harley Streten aka Flume. The project was conceived by our creative partners Toby & Pete with the visual and hardware programming done by EyeJack.

Flume performing  on stage
Flume infinity prism on stage

The prism was completely custom made. The frame chassis, LEDS panels and electronics were all constructed from scratch. This lighting rig has proven very robust and has been touring for years. Toby & Pete were responsible for the overall concept and fabrication. Nick Clark built the electronics to control the prism using Arduino and interfaced to it using Processing.

The visuals were driven by live audio, MIDI and OSC triggers from Harley’s Ableton laptop and allowed the prism to react and visualise everything that Flume was playing. The custom software which collated all these inputs and transformed them into pretty, bouncy visuals was made using openFrameworks.

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