Change Exhibit

Interactive Showcase for Monash University

'Change Exhibit' is a visionary installation which intricately explores the profound impact of Monash University's research on the next generation.

In collaboration with Monash University and VMYL&R, EyeJack has developed an interactive installation employing touch screens and accompanying website. This interactive experience allows visitors to engage with the distinctive narratives of eight babies, each presenting digital timelines that intricately connect key life events to Monash's impactful research.


We focused on finding a home for the amazing collection of content that Monash University and VMLY&R brought to the project while providing the end-user with an intuitive and accessible interface for navigating the experience. The designs included an attractor state to engage the passerby, a user-friendly timeline for navigating the key life events and a vertical scroll system for in depth exploration of the content for each baby.

Travelling Exhibition

Change Exhibit has traveled across the globe, making impactful stops in Italy, Indonesia, and Melbourne. To cater to diverse locations and audiences, the Change Exhibit experience on both touchscreens and the web has been translated into four languages, ensuring accessibility and engagement for a broad and international audience.


A parallel effort transformed the physical installation content and designs into a dynamic website for desktop and mobile. This adaptation enabled wider reach, inviting individuals from around the world to explore the compelling narratives of the eight babies and the Monash University initiatives that shape their lives.

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